Saturday, August 30, 2014

Finishing up August and starting new for September

Hidden This is my last book on my list of August books to read! I'm about 80% through and I don't think I would really categorize it as a romance. It is really good though, told in three POV's and has me constantly guessing.  Anyway I'll post my review soon. But on to September reading. I think I'm going to try really hard to finish some series I've started and I have 4-5 ARC's that I need to read and review. Also be on the look out for a few blog tours and cover reveals. I will post my September reading in the next few days and if anyone has any recommendations I'm always open to reading and comparing notes. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Review...Drama Queen By: Elle Rush

Drama Queen (Hollywood to Olympus, #2) 3.5-4 Stars! I was given a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.

Here is the Blurb:

Layla Andrews isn’t really a bitch – she just plays one on television. For the last eighteen months, she’s acted like one in real life too while she was forced to serve probation for something she didn’t do. Now the Queen of Olympus has done her time and she’s ready to start living again … but she’s forgotten how.

Russ Vukovick, the show’s fight coordinator, had been attracted to Layla since the first time he saw her. Recently he’s caught glimpses of a new side of her – one that makes her irresistible. But as he gets closer to her, he also sees more of what she hides beneath the mask she wears.

As Layla and Russ try to navigate their new relationship, families, danger, and secrets work against them at every turn. Can they find a true happily-ever-after when they are surrounded by lies.

I really wish I would have read book one first, and got a glimpse of Layla then. I'm really curious how the author painted her in the first book because I felt so bad for our h in this book. Poor Layla she has been put through so much by her family and is pretty much hated by everyone. People think she's a stuck up bitch and the man she's been secretly crushing over for almost two years is attracted to her but not interested because of her bitchy reputation. She's has decided to turn over a new leaf and leave her bitchiness at the door. She finally feels free to start living again and stop hiding. And everyone notices this new Layla especially Russ, but can she convince everyone this is really her and she's not just some "pod" person. 

Russ has issues with lying and the last thing he wants is to get involved with someone that's going to lie to him again. He is extremely attracted to Layla and this new personalty of hers has him wondering if they could be something more. 

Accidents happen, Russ helps, and ingrains himself little by little into her life. Her rule; don't ask about the past she's been hiding from. But will he be able to keep his curiosity to himself?

This book was a cute and sweet story. I can't tell you how refreshing it is to read about mixed heritages and interracial couples. It makes it REAL. The writing was well done and it didn't have a lot of steam but definitely packed in the romance. I honestly don't know personally how many second chances I could give someone; Russ, her sisters, her parents, but this is a romance and it's fiction so I'm not holding that against my review.  As I said before I really do wish I knew to read book one first, since this was a review copy I didn't pay attention that it was the second book in the series. I will be picking up the first to get to know some of the other characters mentioned in Drama Queen. 

This book was told in the third person and overall a good read.

HEA? (1)<<<click here if you want to know.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I read two books that were actually similar and I wasn't expecting them to be.
Drama Queen (Hollywood to Olympus, #2) AND Home to Stay (Anchor Island, #3) I'm thinking 3.5 stars for both. First of all I really wish I would have read the first books in both series. They are considered standalone's but I think I would of had a better idea of the characters going into to these. Both h's are misjudged about the person they are without really knowing them. They are both closed off and hiding something from the past. The H's are both "big" guys that are very sweet.  And both H and h have sort off pined for each other for a while. Home to Stay has a mild/moderate steam level if you like the steamy scenes in books and Drama Queen it's very mild practically nonexistent. I enjoyed both books and will do a full review of Drama Queen which was a review copy given to me by the author.

Here is the blurb for Home to Stay (Anchor Island...

Willow Parsons’s two new best friends are getting married, putting her squarely on the sidelines of romance—which suits her just fine. After the nightmarish situation she escaped from, featuring the ultimate Mr. Wrong, she is more than happy to spend her days slinging drinks in Dempsey’s Bar & Grill, and her nights alone. But her Anchor Island refuge has just one catch: muscle-bound charmer Randy Navarro.
Everyone in town knows that Randy, owner of the local fitness club, is a giant teddy bear. Everyone, it seems, except for Willow. He’s convinced that her avoidance is more than just playing hard to get, and is determined to uncover the secrets that shadow her lovely eyes. But when old fears are dragged into the light, can Randy get Willow to stay and fight for their love…or will she take flight, leaving him and Anchor Island behind?
Home to Stay is a charming, romantic tale about following your heart to find where you belong.

Over all this was a cute story about a girl hiding and a guy helping her find herself while trying to get her to realize she wants more. This is a Contemporary Romance  with characters being in their late twenties to mid thirties. I recommend reading the first two books in the series before this one. Now I have to go back and read the first two. :) This book was from the Kindle First program hence the reason I didn't have the first two books. An enjoyable read told in the third person.

HEA? Want to know it's a 1 click here.

Monday, August 25, 2014

August Reading...

Okay so I'm sticking with my plan and finishing the books I put on my list August books 

Next up and I'm actually about 60 percent through is Home to Stay (Anchor Island, #3) followed by Hidden Then on to my ARC's and September list. Any suggestions?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

One of my new favorites...On Sale! only 99 pennies

Never Me 5 stars!
 My review

Barnes and Noble

Review...The Real McCoy by: Sheryl Leonard

The Real McCoy 2.5-3 stars...I'm really trying to get through my August Reading. I have two books left, I'm not sure I'll get to them but here is my review for this one which was gifted through Amazon.


Stephanie Hays, RN, has been infatuated with the handsome, well-respected Dr. Peter Granville since her days in nursing school. And now she has the good fortune of working alongside the ?Great Granville? in his hospital unit. There, she spends her days longing for precious scraps of his attention, even if they?re won only by her legendary clumsiness. Dr. Luke Carter is Granville's senior resident ? and a man who attracts women like ants to a picnic. But the only woman he wants is Stephanie, and she's blinded by her attraction to Granville. She fails to see him through Luke's eyes: as a cold, egocentric bully who?ll do anything to get to the top. Determined to make Stephanie realize the unsettling truth about her idol, Luke conceives a plot to reveal Granville for who he really is. Is this the ticket to winning Stephanie's heart at last?or will it drive her straight into Granville's arms?

This book is difficult for me to review. I liked the premise of the book and loved the (H) Luke but I really couldn't get into the (h) Stephanie's character at all. She was not likable to me and she's a clumsy nurse? I mean some people are clumsier than others but she was helping people, giving IV's and incubating but everything else she managed to spill or drop. Here is a quote: "If Steph hasn't hurt herself or someone else within twenty-four hours, it's been a good day." I just found that a little unbelievable because she was an  RN. And I'm actually getting a little sick of the clumsy heroine, it seems to be a common theme in romance novels.

I had a hard time understanding why Luke was so infatuated with Stephanie, I didn't feel the connection I guess.

Luke: "One day you walked onto the ward. It was as if you poured sunlight into my soul."

I actually wrote WHY? on my notes. Stephanie was kind of cruel to him when he always tried to help and make her smile. I do commend the author for this though not too often do you get the guy pining for the girl that's a bitch. I have to say she did warm up after awhile but it was a long time and 70% into the book there was still no (love) connection between H and h. I think I would have liked it better if I got more of Luke and his motives; got into his head to know why he loved Stephanie so much, what drew him to her.

Lastly one page jumped ahead six months I would have loved that to be the epilogue. I personally like an epilogue in the books I read.

I think the author had a great story but it was just lacking a little for me. More character description and a little more of Luke and I think I would have given it another star.

Click here if you want to know if you get your HEA (1)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Review...Bully by: Penelope Douglas

Bully (Fall Away, #1) 4 stars! I read this at the beginning of the year and Fall Away #2 Rival (Fall Away, #2) is coming out soon (August 26th). She also has a 1.5 in the series Until You (Fall Away, #1.5) which I haven't read yet but it is from the Hero in book one's POV. 

My Review:


 I had to sit on this book for a while before I reviewed it. I didn’t want to like this book and I didn’t want to root for Tate and Jared but for some sick reason I did. I keep asking myself how Tate could forgive Jared for all the things he’s done to her but in the end I wanted them together.

Jared and Tate have been best friends since they were young but after one summer away to see his father Jared comes back angry and it seems all his anger is directed at Tate. They start school in the fall and he makes life miserable for her…I mean he does things to her that you here teenagers committing suicide over. She decides to go study in Europe her junior year, after a year has passed she starts her senior year back at her school with all the same people and of course Jared. She has decided to take a different approach to him instead of letting him see how he gets to her she’s going to fight back.

I couldn’t put this book down and it made me mad at myself for liking it as much as I did. I am a mother of a daughter and would die if she had to go through what Tate did and then see them together after all of that. Also I don’t consider K.C. a good friend AT ALL. I don’t care how hot or how popular or if you’re trying to get your ex jealous, that just breaks the rules for friendship. What she did to Tate was really low. I honestly cannot believe how forgiving of a person Tate was. She was this story, I loved her. I loved how truly forgiving she was and she was beautiful inside and out.(Even if I wanted to smack her a few times.) I did feel for Jared and what he went through but I’m not sure what he put Tate through was forgivable. With that said the writing was great, I liked the book, and want to read the next. I can’t wait to get into Jared’s mind a little and maybe understand a little bit more of why he was so cruel.

This book had me thinking about it for days after reading it. Job well done to the author and for allowing her story to mess with mind like that.

Maybe Someday by: Colleen Hoover...On Sale now!

This is one of my favorite books of the year and it's on sale! If you haven't read it yet I suggest you do and come back to tell me what you thought.
Maybe Someday
  Link here $2.99 on Amazon

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Review...No In Between by: Lisa Renee Jones

No in Between (Inside Out, #4) 4.5-4.75 stars! ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

After Sara and Chris faced things in Paris they return home to San Francisco to prove wrong Ava’s accusations against Sara. 

Here is the blurb:

"Chris and I have faced our demons and bared our souls to one another in Paris. Now that we are back home in San Francisco, I want to believe that nothing can tear us apart. Not Ava’s accusations against me to the police, or Chris's fear that he will destroy me as he feels he did Amber. And not Mark, who was once too intimately a part of our lives, and who I can see crumbling inside out. He believes he is invincible, just as I want to believe Chris and I are invincible. We have to be invincible. We need each other too much for any other ending."

This is the conclusion of Sara and Chris's story. (nooo!) I was introduced to this series a couple of years ago and dove in. I have been captivated from the beginning and have patiently waited for each and every book to come out, and this book did not disappoint. It has a little bit of everything (just like her previous books); passion, romance, suspense and drama. I wasn't sure how Lisa Renee would pull off another book but I didn't realize how many questions were left unanswered. And this book, I think may have been my favorite one in the series. I couldn't put it down and wanted to find out what was going to happen. Where is Rebecca? Is she alive or dead? What is going on with Mark? What is Ricco's involvement? And will Ava get convicted? Well unfortunately not all of these questions are answered but it sets you up for Mark's book which is next in the series.

SARA: "I have this sense of a book that I'm not quite ready to end, ending."  CHRIS: "And so we start a new chapter to our story."

This series really is more about Sara and Chris having trust in one another enough to let their inner demons disappear. And who knew the dominant always in control Chris could be such a good guy? Sure we saw it in other books with Sara, Dylan, his godparents and Amber; but Mark? I fell in love with Chris even more in this book because of his ability to help Mark out despite everything Mark has done.

SARA: "His hand goes to my hair, and now his mouth is near mine." MARK: "I've always wondered how you would taste." SARA: "He dips in to kiss me, and my knee instantly lifts and lands hard in his groin." Chris hears everything.

SARA: "He is so much more than the paintbrush he masters with such incredible talent. So much more than his past, and his pain. I know even before he does that he can't walk out of here and leave Mark like this either. I push to my toes and kiss him. 'You are the most amazing man I have ever known.'" CHRIS: "Don't give me more credit than I deserve. I still may punch him, but I'll give him an ice pack for the ride to Sonoma if he wants to come." That quote right there made me fall in love with Chris even more.

I really wanted to give this book the full five stars but I couldn't because I didn't get the epilogue I was hoping for (the wedding). I was just a tad disappointed when it became another POV with a cliffhanger leading into Mark's book. I was going to say it would be great to get a novella with Sara and Chris's wedding but I did read at the end of this book we are getting that for Valentine's Day, (yey!) but I guess I just wished it could have been wrapped up. I would like to recommend reading Mark's two novella's "The Master Undone" and "My Hunger" before you read this book, although it isn't necessary I think you would get more out of this book and the next one to come. Overall I loved this book and the conclusion to Sara and Chris's story, I can't wait to continue the series and read about the wedding!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Review...One Lavender Ribbon by: Heather Burch

One Lavender Ribbon 3.5-4 stars! I received this book courtesy of the Kindle First program.

I sat on this book for a while and decided to use it for my August Reading, and I'm glad I did. This book was sweet and extremely fluffy (sometimes you need a little fluff). I've decided to add it to my Summer/beach reads, not necessarily because it was a fast read but just because it's the kind of book I picture myself or someone else reading by a pool or on a beach; not to mention it takes place in Florida.

This book is about getting a second chance at love.

Adrienne, recent divorcee moves from Chicago to Florida to start her life over and gain some independence. She buys a home to renovate and in her renovations she comes across a stack of letters written during the second World War. She becomes fascinated and obsessed with them and seeks out the people responsible for writing them.

Will has a tough exterior and wants to protect his grandfather (Pops) from his past. Adrienne comes into their life and really starts to stir things up to which Will is not happy about. He's used to calm, cool, and controlled, spontaneity is not his thing, everything needs to be planned. He is against this little intrusion in his life but the problem is, is that he is drawn to Adrienne like he has never been with any other woman. The two are constantly butting heads and Will's constantly telling her to butt out. She meddles and he can't stand it but they both want more from one another.

Will they be able to overcome Adrienne's need to meddle? And will Will's constant fear of  Pops past  keep surfacing or can he finally let go?

Will: "She was an outsider who had forced her way into our lives already recovering from one tragedy. Now she brought another."

This book was sweet, sweet, sweet. There were even a couple times I teared up a bit. No steam factor but definitely a couple of love connections.

Pops: Find someone to love and pour your heart and soul into it. (I loved Pops)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fun summer/beach reads

So it's almost the end of summer and reading in the sun is one of my favorite things to do. I have some recommendations for  quick, easy, fun summer reading. Nothing too angsty or emotional.

Tara Sivec's... Chocolate lovers series Chocolate Lovers: Sweet Stories About Love, Friendship, and Inappropriate Behavior (Chocolate Lovers, #1-3.5)

Alison Clayton's...Wallbanger Wallbanger (Cocktail, #1)

Emma Chase's...Tangled Tangled (Tangled, #1) and Tamed Tamed (Tangled, #3)

Marissa Clarke's...Sleeping with the boss Sleeping with the Boss (Anderson Brothers #1)

Collen Hoover's...Finding Cinderella Finding Cinderella (Hopeless, #2.5)(although you might want to read Hopeless and Losing Hope first)

Heather Burch's...One Lavender Ribbon One Lavender Ribbon                                                                                                                                                                      
C.C Wood's...In Love With Lucy In Love With Lucy (NSFW, #1)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Cover Reveal...Palace Hills by: S. Briones Lim

 Releases September 9th, 2014

Palace Hills. The very name struck shivers down the spine of the affluent city of Goldendale.
Unfortunately, eighteen-year-old Nina Sharman has no choice but to call the poverty-stricken neighborhood her new home.

Life seems bleak until a chance meeting with Conner Hale changes her mind and captures her heart, leading her to believe that maybe Palace Hills wasn’t so bad after all.
However, one tragic case of mistaken identity changes everything and leads to an event so horrifying that Nina believes she could never recover.

Choosing to leave Conner behind, Nina vows never to return to Palace Hills again.
Five years later, Nina has a new home, a new boyfriend and a new life. Yet, still haunted by the ghosts of her past, Nina finds she must return to Palace Hills to put an end to a nightmare, which has haunted her for years.

Upon her return, one vital slip in judgement threatens to bring the life she had worked so hard to build to come crashing down.

Thanks to her Mom's unwavering devotion to read a bedtime story to her every single night throughout her childhood years, S. BRIONES LIM's love for books began before she could even speak. Author of the Life Force Trilogy, S. Briones Lim's other obsessions include time with family, POPCORN, sketching, movies and her pug, Tobi. She currently lives on the East Coast with her husband and continues to write everyday.


Palace Hills by S. Briones Lim
Published by: Limitless Publishing
Publication date: September 9th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Romance

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Review...Sleeping With The Boss by: Marissa Clarke

Sleeping with the Boss (Anderson Brothers #1) 3.5-4 stars! ARC provided by Xpresso Book Tours for an honest review.

You know how they say don't judge a book by it's cover? Well the same goes for the title...when I saw the title of this book I thought this was going to be just another steamy story about a boss seducing his secretary or something, but I was so wrong, (except maybe for the initial elevator encounter). And this book is just what I needed after the emotional roller coasters I've been reading.  

The synopsis:

Seducing the enemy has never been so tempting…

For the last five years, bookish Claire Williams has been living for the dying. Now that her stint as caretaker is over, she’s off to see the world. She needs quick cash first, so a temp job at Anderson Auctions seems perfect, especially with the unexpected benefits, including the hottest man she’s ever laid eyes—or hands—on.

Former Marine William Anderson has been burned one time too many. His military training makes him the perfect man to flush out the spy undercutting his family business, but no amount of training can prepare him for the kind of undercover work he’ll have to do when the sexy new temp is implicated. Desire lands them in bed…but duty may cost him his heart

Claire is a smart, caring, and funny woman and she's not a doormat like some h's. She can make fun of herself  instead hiding away because of embarrassment, and she has a lot of embarrassing moments (Claire-ism's). She wants to have fun and be free for the next two weeks until she leaves for Egypt for an internship. What she wasn't expecting was to fall hard for her boss William Anderson.

William has been through hell and he just wants to have a fun easy relationship with his new temp. The problem is, she is the number one suspect in the Anderson company, the only one they can even think that could be the spy undercutting the business. William doesn't think it's her but all signs point to the woman he's falling for. When they start dating he knows he'll find out for sure it's not.

William and Claire are great characters! They are a little corky but it makes them that much more likable. I'm not the biggest fan of instant love but it didn't matter to me that much in this book. I liked this book because of the suspense too and what I really liked is that the person I had pegged to be the spy wasn't. I thought the author did a good job of keeping you guessing. This was a quick fun read, it was sweet and funny. I just wish it had a different title. I'm excited to read about the other Anderson brothers.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Price dropped on Tumbleweed by: Julia Bramer

TumbleweedClick here for review I gave it 4.5-4.75 stars! This book is only 99c right now. Beware it is not for the faint of heart, this book was a little disturbing and a lot steamy but well worth reading!

Amazon link for book 

If you read please come back with comments, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this one.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Finished...Ignite by: R.J Lewis

Ignite (Ignite, #1)other edition>>>Ignite (Ignite, #1) I'm waiting to review because it ended so abruptly and left me hanging so I'm not sure how I'm going to rate yet. It's almost like this was part one of the book. I'm going to read the second before I rate and review. This book is a roller coaster of emotions and angst,one minute I wanted to punch the heroine and the next I wanted to punch the Hero. The next book is called Burn Burn (Ignite, #2)and is out already. I however, won't be getting to it just yet because I'm committed to a few ARC's that need to be read. I highly recommend if you read this book you have the next one ready because it is killing me not be able to find out what happens.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Review...Love, in English by: Karina Halle

Love, in English (LIE, #1) Since I was between 4 and 5 stars, I'll go with 4.5 stars on this one.  I liked it a lot maybe even loved it, but not sure if I thought it was amazing.

Here is the blurb:

He’s thirty-eight. I’m twenty-three.

He speaks Spanish. I speak English.

He lives in Spain. I live in Canada.

He dresses in thousand-dollar suits. I’m covered in tattoos.

He’s married and has a five-year old daughter.

I’m single and can’t commit to anyone or anything.

Until now. Because when they say you can’t choose who you fall in love with, boy ain’t that the f*#king truth.


Vera wants the experience of a lifetime, so she decides to go to Spain and spend a month teaching conversational English to business men and woman; this way she can forgo spending a summer interning for her major (astronomy). She will get to meet new people have fun all while getting free room and board on a beautiful remote resort. She never expected to meet HIM and fall in love.

Mateo a retired football/soccer star turned business man is captivated by Vera and her free spirit. She is unlike any woman he has ever known. As their time together and sessions go on they grow close and something changes between the two. Feelings get in the way and soon everything Vera thought she wouldn't become she turns into (the other woman).

Vera:"You're married!" I yelled. "I cannot be the other woman!" 
Matteo: "You already are the other woman!" he yelled right back. 

Guilt consumes her but she can't stay away. She knows this can't go on but she's never felt more alive. 
Vera: "I stared at the ring on his finger. I thought about what it meant. Then I thought about what he meant to me."

I'm not spoiling anything because it tells you in the blurb what is going to happen and YES it has cheating! I hate cheating (probably the reason I couldn't give it the full 5 stars) but somehow the author made it work in this book. First, you didn't get to know the wife, in so many books it's a love triangle where you like all the characters and it just becomes frustrating. Second, Matteo was unhappy and truly in love with Vera, he made bad choices but acted in the moment. Third, she felt so much guilt the whole time. I liked both the H/h and I love when that happens in a book. Matteo did piss me off in a certain chapter towards the end of the book and I won't say anything about that because it could be slightly spoilerish but he definitely had me thinking twice about him. Another great thing about this book was Vera's younger brother Josh (which I'm hoping to get a book about). He was so supportive of Vera and her choices.
Josh: "I don't think it can be wrong if it comes from a pure place. I suppose you could be like one of those chicks who just keeps it all inside and secretly pine for someone for their whole life until it kills them. But your not. What you feel isn't wrong,'s not black and white like that." Another insightful Josh quote.
 Josh: "You just fell in love with each other at a very messy time. It's life. It happens. Matteo never set out to fall in love, to hurt his wife..." I'm not wring the rest of this quote because it could be a spoiler. I really thought the age difference would bother me too, but it didn't. Karina Halle just made the whole thing work, cheating, age, and distance. I'm so happy I gave this book a chance.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Read...Love, In English by: Karina Halle

Love, in English (LIE, #1) Still thinking about my rating but definitely between a 4 and 5 stars! Review to come.

Starting Ignite (Ignite, #1) and then I have a few ARC's to read and review.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Back to my August reading...

Currently ReadingLove, in English (LIE, #1) and it's off to a good start.
I finished The Husband's Secret which in all honesty I wasn't that impressed with. It took her forever to read the letter and didn't start getting good until about 80% through. I know a lot of people loved this book and I'm probably in the minority but it was just too slow for me. The epilogue was great and I loved the idea behind the book.

Click here for August reads.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Review...Kill Devil Hills by: Sarah Darlington

4 stars! ARC provided by author. I've already posted blurb for cover reveal and blog tour, Click here for blurb so I won't re post.

Tate (h) tries to take her own life after the death of her brother (Ben). Noah (H) her older sister's (Ellie) best friend finds her just in time to save her life. Noah is considered family and has known Tate for years but he's always been quiet and closed off. Four months later Tate returns from a treatment facility and Noah can't seem to stay away from her. He wants to protect her and care for her but try to still maintain distance. Tate wants more and isn't hiding her attraction to Noah. Noah wants stable and secure.

Noah: "All I really knew is that the girl was a wild card. And I had a strict 'no wild cards policy.'"

What Noah didn't expect and soon begins to realize is that he wants and desires her too but didn't want to act upon it or upset the family. But soon they can't keep there new found attraction from each other and Noah and Tate begin to heal their wounds together.

This was such a sweet love story, not a whole lot of angst but it definitely pulls at your heartstrings. Ellie, oh my god I loved her and hope we get a book about her. She has this tough exterior but such a big heart, she was insightful and funny and just such a great secondary character.

Quote from Ellie: "It's good to have you home, kiddo. Did Mom make you want to slit your wrists all over again on the drive home?" This was just in the beginning of the book and she had so many other great remarks that continued on throughout.

I also loved how supportive Noah was of Georgie and understanding of the age difference between the two of them. He got it that she was only eighteen to his twenty four years and would still need to decide what she wanted to do about her future plans.

Noah: "There were things I wanted for her first. Like college. Or a career if she wanted."

I found that refreshing, in  a lot of other novels I've read the H expects the h to drop it all to be with him.

I just found this to be a very sweet, smart story of two broken people falling in love and helping each other heal. I'm excited to read the next book in the series. This series is a three book series featuring stories of different couples. (I vote for Ellie)

LINKS TO BUY ($.99 for release week only!!): Amazon I Amazon UK I Barnes and Noble I Kobo

Blog tour and Giveaway...Kill Devil Hills by: Sarah Darlington On sale now!

Author: Sarah Darlington 
Genre: New Adult Romance 
More info: Goodreads

He’s twenty-four. She’s eighteen.

His life is exactly the way he’s always wanted it to be...stable.

She’s quite possibly the very definition of unstable.

Noah saved her. Georgina never wanted to be saved.

Growing up, Noah Clark was passed from one relative to the next until he finally ended up living with his abusive, alcoholic uncle in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. Thanks in part to the unwavering love and support of his best friend, Ellie Turner, Noah survived those years, escaped his uncle, and grew into the man he is today. Now he runs his own business and lives a pretty normal, no-nonsense life—one where he maintains a high level of control.

Georgina is Ellie’s younger sister. Four months ago, Noah saved Georgie’s life, but he thought that was where his involvement with his friend’s sister would end. Now Georgie has returned home from the recovery facility her parents sent her away to and Noah, still haunted by the night that connects them, can’t stop himself from continuously trying to protect this girl he barely knows. But is he willing to give up all of the control he’s worked so hard to build in his life and risk everything for her? Even more importantly, would she do the same for him?

LINKS TO BUY ($.99 for release week only!!): Amazon I Amazon UK I Barnes and Noble I Kobo

About the author:
Sarah Darlington lives in Virginia with her husband and crazy-active 2-year-old son. She’s a former flight attendant, day-dreamer, traveler, and wannabe photographer. Her debut novel HE BELONGS WITH ME, a standalone, was released March 2014. KILL DEVIL HILLS will be the first book of a three book series. Each novel in this new series will feature a different couple's story.

A little Q and A with the author:

What inspired you to write your first book? (HE BELONGS WITH ME)

Sarah: Actually, HE BELONGS WITH ME wasn't the first book I wrote. It was only the first book I deemed good enough for publication. Before HBWM I wrote a few young adult paranormal novels--they were horribly bad! I couldn't ever get the paranormal aspect down exactly how I wanted. Once I switched over to writing New Adult instead, everything seemed to click. But the way I started originally day I started writing and I never really stopped! I kept a diary all through my teen years, so many the writing thing was always there inside me from the start

What inspired you to write this series?

Sarah: Noah Clark crept into my brain one day and he didn't leave! It happened while I was still in the middle of writing HBWM and I struggled with the need to drop everything so I could start Noah's story. So, I suppose, Noah (the hero in Kill Devil Hills) was my inspiration.

While writing,does the story unfold as you go or do you pretty much
know beginning, middle, and end?

Sarah: It unfolds as I go. I always know the beginning. That comes to me first. I usually have a small idea about how it might end, but nothing every ends the way I originally pictured it to. Basically, I start writing and let the characters lead me. It's strange how that happens.

How do you feel about self-publishing? Has it been a hard process?

Sarah: Yes and no. I love it, but at the same time it is hard. Teaching myself to write through reading and trial and error was a struggle in the beginning. After that, I had to learn HOW the self-publishing process works. I had to learn how market my own book. And I'm still learning all that stuff. It's been a hard process, but also a fun process. It's what I love to do.

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Also by Sarah: HE BELONGS WITH ME {Amazon I Amazon UK}
