Everyone knows there is no “I” in team, but to Macs Newstead--orgasm-gifting, muscle-filled Navy SEAL hero--there are more important words than team. Words like victory and vanity and selfishness. People say those words like they are a bad thing, but to Macs, they’re simply tools in his highly effective arsenal. When a man’s entire existence revolves around the necessity to end lives, silly, mundane things like second dates or monogamy seem worthy sacrifices.
Downward facing dog or doggy-style--it’s all the same to Teala Smart, a whip-smart yoga instructor. She owns her studio like she owns her life--with focus, positive energy, and pure devotion. That devotion, however, does not trickle into her love life (or more accurately, her lust life.) Relationships are a roadblock to her success. They get in the way and tangle up emotions more than the lotus pose tangles up limbs. Men are best kept just for a night and then released into the wild before feelings get too messy.
HERO HAIR, the second novel of International Bestselling Author Rachel Robinson’s THE REAL SEAL SERIES, is the account of an life-altering journey detailing the awakening of two hollow hearts, both set on taking their own pleasures without any emotional attachment. The ruthless SEAL finally meets an enemy he can’t defeat, and both Macs and Teala find, against their wishes, and despite atrocious circumstances, a chemistry so explosive it leaves nothing but deconstructing love in its wake.
It’s always so hard for me to come up with words to let a
reader know just how much I loved and adored a book. It’s hard to do a book
justice when the words are all there in the book and you just need to read it.
Most of you know I am a huge fan of Rachel’s, she writes
everything I want in a book, humor, angst, hot sex, likable characters and of
course romance. Well her latest book Hero Hair does not disappoint, we get
Rachel at her best, once again.
Teala (h) is a great
character! I love flawed heroines that aren’t your typical sweet virgins. She
is strong on the outside but has some emotional issues she herself isn’t fully
aware of. Macs is kind of a cocky a**hole
but one you can’t help but love and as the book goes on he develops into this
character that you will always remember. Macs is who he is and doesn’t have a problem
with it.
doesn’t just walk like a predator. He is the god**n king of those motherf*ckers.”
I love how honest he is
about it. In fact I love both Macs and Teala’s honesty from the get go (at
least with each other). J Both
are very sexually charged, they know what they want and aren’t afraid to say
it, they were both up front with each other and knew what they were getting
nights and then sex?”
three. I have to confirm with them. They had some weird timetable I’m not familiar
The chemistry between the H
and h was sizzling right off the pages. I love when I can feel that when I’m
physical connection between us is palpable. It breaths on its own. It has a
life force neither of us can deny.”
When I first started reading
this book it was almost like a RomCom, (which happens to be one of my favorite
genres) and then BAM I was shocked at what took place after, but let’s just say
we get to really see some deep seeded issues Teala has been hiding away, and
Rachel writes it so well. I felt for Teala and I understood her pain but I also
wanted to strangle her. We also really see Macs flaws too and his insecurities
in handling it. He's this big strong character that can handle just about
anything that life throws at him until this…which also had me wanted to reach
into the book and shake him. This is when the book took me on a roller-coaster
of emotions, it was so well done.
I’m so excited to get another
“Real Seal” novel! Bravo Rachel for another awesome read!!
I highly recommend!
Purchase Links
Amazon US ~ http://amzn.to/2nwwFxR
Amazon UK ~ http://amzn.to/2no2REp
Amazon CA ~ http://amzn.to/2oaaqyz
Amazon AU ~ http://amzn.to/2oa2ugp

About the Author
Rachel Robinson grew up in a small, quiet town full of loud talkers. Her words were always only loud on paper. She has been writing stories and creating characters for as long as she can remember. After living on the west coast for many years she recently moved to Virginia Beach, VA.
Crazy Good, her contemporary romance novel, is an International Amazon bestseller.
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