Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sale! This weekend only!! Ginger's Heart by: Katy Regnery

~a  m o d e r n  f a i r y t a l e~
(inspired by "Little Red Riding Hood")

*Price will return to $4.99 on Monday, May 2!

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One-Click on Amazon here!
~”I loved this book with all of my heart. As always, I was captivated by the writing. I was immediately drawn in by the angst. And I connected each character as though they were my best friends.” –L.B. Simmons, USA Today bestselling author
~”With this story Katy breaks your heart yet somehow manages to fill it with happiness and a hope that the kind of love that these three characters feel for each other really exists. This book is everything that I’ve been waiting for and nothing what I expected.” –Jaime, Fiction Fangirls
~”This story is a devastatingly beautiful tale of two men who are in love with the same woman and through sacrifice and true love, make the hardest decisions of their lives.” –Annaliese, On The Run Book Reviews
~”This story was an emotional roller coaster. It was sweet, humorous,heartwarming, angsty, romantic, passionate, heartbreaking, and painful.It had themes of friendship, love, soul mates, sacrifice, and redemption. It was quite a tense and turbulent journey, but poignant and beautiful.” –Kim, Reviews by Tammy and Kim
~”It’s not only a beautiful story. It is so much more. It’s like every day life in fairytale mode.” — Becca, Hello Little Red Reading Blog

Once upon a time there were two cousins:
one golden like the sun,
one dark like midnight,
one a protector,
one a predator,
one a Woodsman
one a Wolf...
both owning equal,
but different,
parts of a little girl's heart.

In this modern retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood," the woodsman and the wolf are cousins, and Little Red is the girl with whom they both fall in love.

Beautiful Ginger McHuid, daughter of Kentucky's premiere horse breeder, grows up on her family farm, best friends with Cain Wolfram, the son of her father's Stallion Manager, and Cain's cousin, Josiah Woodman, son of a local banker. Throughout their happy childhood, the three are inseparable friends, but as they mature into adults, complicated feelings threaten to destroy their long history of friendship and love.

This is a standalone novel inspired by Little Red Riding Hood. Contemporary Romance: Due to profanity and very strong sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

Ginger's Heart is part of the a modern fairytale collection, which will include five standalone, unrelated novels:

The Vixen and the Vet (Beauty & the Beast) - available now
Never Let You Go (Hansel & Gretel) - available now
Ginger's Heart (Little Red Riding Hood) - available now
Dark Sexy Knight (The Legend of Camelot) - available June 15, 2016
Don't Speak (The Little Mermaid) - available 2017
Swan Song (The Ugly Duckling) - available 2018

Friday, April 29, 2016

Out Now! Filthy Foreign Exchange by: S.E. Hall and Angela Graham...Excerpt, Review and Giveaway!!

Temptation is ONLY a room away….

Filthy Foreign Exchange is Now live!

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:


Barnes & Noble:


New York Times bestselling authors Angela Graham and S.E. Hall have teamed up again to bring you a full-length, steamy new romance.

Echo Kelly is loyal to her studies, family, and aerial artistry. She has no time for or interest in anything else, and is heartbroken when her oldest brother, Sebastian, gets accepted to a study-abroad program— exchanging places with cocky, not-at-all-shy foreign exchange student Kingston Hawthorne.

Kingston Hawthorne had the life every twenty-year-old guy dreams of— endless cash, easy women, and fast cars— until his father ripped it all away, shipping him off to the States and placing him temptingly close to the underage virgin who fascinates him in the most challenging of ways.

With Kingston’s bedroom just a connecting bathroom away from Echo’s, the chemistry between them is even more enticing than the notes he leaves for her on the shower door.

How long can you pretend you’re just friends?

My Review (ARC provided)
4-4.5 stars!

This was such a cute story! I actually thought it was going to be a lot different than it was. I had this idea that I wouldn't like the hero in some way but I really liked him. I thought probably because of the title it would be slightly dirty but nope, it was full of some scorching chemistry though. In fact this book was really unique in a way that things didn't turn out as I expected and I like that. I will warn the reader that the book is not tied up in the end, it definitely leaves you hanging.

As I was reading this book I just kept reading with a smile on my face because of how I much I enjoyed both the hero and heroine and I was thinking that it was a such a sweet story and then at about 50-60 percent in they bring on the angst and at 80 percent my heart was pounding and I couldn't stop, I needed to know what would happen.

Echo(h) is an introvert and uses all her time and energy practicing her art. She has always had her protective older brother to look out for her and be by her side but when he moves to study abroad she doesn't know what to do with herself until she meets Kingston(H). Kingston is her new housemate taking her brothers place. They quickly form a friend/foe kind of relationship and he tries to take on her brother’s protective role. The chemistry is pretty instant and soon they don't know how to handle their attraction to one another. They try to keep a distance but how long can they pretend?

"You only fully realize the depth of want and need immediately after experiencing loss."

This story intrigued me, it left me wanting more and left me hoping to see a little vengeance on some of the secondary characters. My fingers are crossed in book two I get that.

I can't wait for the second one!

View the Filthy Foreign Exchange Trailer HERE:
ffe teaser 2.jpg

Pre-order Filthy Foreign Exchange 2
Releasing June 14th


I creep silently into the house and find a tinfoil-covered plate on the kitchen counter: the dinner my mom saved for me, even though I'm sure my father said something along the lines of, “If she wants to eat, she can sit down, on time, with the rest of us.”
I smile to myself at the small victory. My dad may think he rules the roost, but he doesn't call the last shot when it comes to my mom taking care of her babies.
After I finish off the still-warm chicken and potatoes as quietly as possible, I tiptoe past my parents’ bedroom, paying special attention to each step I take—or, more specifically, avoiding the floorboards that creak.
My father's stern voice pierces the darkness. "We'll talk in the morning, young lady."
Damn, he's good. I literally wobbled left to right like a drunk person, nailing the silent boards, and he still heard me.
"Yes, sir," I spit out before hurrying up the staircase to my bedroom.
My grandfather, smart man that he was, built this house after he had children. With the master suite on the bottom floor and the kids' rooms upstairs, there was no getting past the parents. But somehow, Grandpa had forgotten to take into account that our family has studied the art of Aerialism for generations. So once you're up in your room, getting out of it undetected isn't much of a problem—a caveat I know for a fact my older brother Sebastian took advantage of often. Mostly because he used my balcony to do so nine times out of ten.
I head straight for a hot shower, not allowing my overworked muscles to stiffen. The entire time I stand under the spray, I stare through the glass at the closed door on the far side of the room. Sebastian’s bedroom is connected to mine by a Jack and Jill bathroom, but my brother isn't on the other side anymore. Tonight, and every night for this school year, he’ll be in England, his room vacant. The thought is the final blow to my day.
Once I've dried off and tied my robe, I open his door slowly, with tears in my eyes. I’m not sure why—maybe to see the proof of his absence, naively hoping that will help settle my anxiety?
It's dark inside, of course, but the thin drapes are parted and the moon is full and bright after tonight's storm.
My breath hitches, my feet coming to a complete and sudden halt when I spot the large body lying in my brother’s bed. It’s almost comforting at first; I find myself wishing it was Sebastian, but I know it’s not. And I can only assume it’s Kingston. I have no clue why my parents didn’t just drop him at his dorm, or why I’m not turning around to go back to my own room. But now, as I stand so close, my curiosity is piqued.
From this angle and lighting, he could almost pass for Sebastian: dark-brown hair cut short, muscularly outlined back, sleeping on his side. But whereas Sebastian sleeps under the covers, our houseguest has the sheet and comforter shoved down past a tight, perfectly rounded ass that’s filling out his black boxer briefs in a way I find startlingly sinful. He also has his arms shoved under his pillow—another difference that makes it hard for me to pretend.
I creep a bit farther into the room, checking out his luggage—designer and monogrammed, all matching of course, and reeking of luxury and fine leather. Fancy, but mismatching horribly with the black (somewhat sexy) combat boots that—
Umpf,” I grunt despite my desperate efforts to remain quiet, reaching out for anything to brace myself on. But it’s no use. I fly forward, having tripped over the second, not-nearly-as-sexy-now boot.
"I was told you were the graceful one."
His low, gravely taunt comes out of nowhere and startles me further, throwing me backward in the opposite direction, my balance completely lost. With my hands flailing, my only hope now is that the luggage provides a soft landing.
But I never meet it, or the floor. Instead, two strong hands rescue me, snaring my wrists and pulling me down on top of one seriously hard, hot—temperature-wise, I mean—body.
"I'd presume you to be Echo and say hello, but again, not the graceful girl I was expecting. So, you are…?" He looks up at me with a smug twitch to his lip and devastating twinkle in his gray—Are they really gray, or is that the lighting?—eyes.
"I…uh…” I stammer idiotically, dressed only in a robe that’s far too revealing for the position I find myself lying in: across the bare torso of perhaps the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen up close, in person. And we are very up close.
I attempt to push off him, but his hands slide down to my hips and grip tighter.
"Yes," I gasp, before battling for a sense of authority in my next response. "I'm Echo. Sorry I woke you, I just wasn’t…expecting you to be in here.” His brows rise, practically screaming that he sees right through me. “Let me up! I tripped over your big, stupid boots, then you scared me."
"My apologies, Echo.” A quiver plays down my spine at the way my name rolls off his lips in that decadent English accent of his. “Had I known you'd be visiting my room tonight, I'd have taken more care in setting my belongings out of your way.”
“I should’ve left when I realized you were in here, so we’re even. Can you let me up now?”
His grip remains firm as his smile deepens. “I must admit, I am rather enjoying this version of our introduction. Far better than a mere ‘How do you do?’ over dinner.” He’s sporting a full grin now, blindingly bright even in the dimly lit room.
All I can do is stare at him, words failing me. I half suspect I'm dreaming, but I can feel, long and stiff against my stomach, that this humiliation is, in fact, reality.
"I’m quite comfortable, so do feel free to stay as long as you like. And if you really want to give me a smashing welcome, don't be afraid to wiggle around a bit." His smirk grows impossibly wide as he thrusts his hips upward, pressing his erection firmer against me.
And just like that, my speechlessness evaporates.
"Are you insane?" I use both hands to shove hard against his chest, but I'm no match for his relentless clutch on my hips. "Let me go! You're a guest in our home tonight—you can't just manhandle me when the mood strikes!"
"Ah, grace period.” He nods. “Understood. So, tomorrow night, then?"
"Unbelievable!" I seethe, wriggling around in hopes of escape.
His fingers dig deeper, but the ravenous gleam in his eyes softens. "A joke, Echo. My apologies. Perhaps I took it too far."
My anger soothes to a low simmer. He's got a certain playful charm about him, and maybe this is just his very forward way of easing the awkwardness that I instigated in the first place by sneaking into the room in the middle of the night.
But just as I start to form a forgiving smile, he ruins all the excuses I’d just mentally compiled.
"Can I be frank with you?”
          “Will you let me up?” I toss back.
“Of course.”
“Then let’s hear it.” I wait for him to say God only knows what—a heartfelt apology maybe?—but instead, his expression sharpens into one of pure lust.
“I’ve lied to you. The truth is…I'd much prefer it if you grinded down on me a bit, Love. Wiggling is for strangers, and we're not strangers anymore, now are we?"
“Ugh,” I growl, propelling myself off him when his laughter loosens his hold. I stomp out of the room, his sounds of amusement lingering behind me.
And that’s how I met our foreign exchange student, Kingston Hawthorne.

About the Authors:

S.E. Hall

S.E.Hall, lover of all things anticipation and romance, is the author of The Evolve Series: Emerge, Embrace, Entangled, Entice, Endure and companion novellas Baby Mama Drama and Guide for Tools Looking to Date My Daughter by character Sawyer Beckett. S.E. also wrote the stand-alone Finally Found novels Pretty Instinct and Pretty Remedy. Her co-written works include The Provocative Professions Collection: Stirred Up, Packaged and Handled 1&2, One Naughty Night and full-length, standalone novel Matched with Angela Graham as well as Conspire, a romantic suspense, written with Erin Noelle.
S.E. resides in Arkansas with her husband of 18 years and 3 daughters of the home. When not writing or reading, she can be found "enthusiastically cheering" on one of her girls' softball games.

Angela Graham is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of the Harmony Series. She spent a lot of her childhood hidden away in the aisles at her local public library where she fell in love with reading. It was a home away from home through her youth to her adulthood.
In 2012 she knew she found her calling in the world of fiction the moment she began pounding away at the keys for her first short story. With a baby on her shoulder, she wrote about a year before deciding to try her hand at a novel. It was the best decision she ever made and one that changed her life in ways she never imagined.
Together with S.E. Hall, she has released five novels and one short story together.
Angela resides in Northwest Arkansas with her three beautiful children and a rowdy dog.


New release...Out Now!! Shameless by: Lex Martin...Giveaway and review!

Title: Shameless
Author: Lex Martin
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: April 26, 2016


What the hell do I know about raising a baby? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing. 

Yet here I am, the sole guardian of my niece. I’d be lost if it weren’t for Katherine, the beautiful girl who seems to have all the answers. Katherine, who’s slowly finding her way into my cynical heart.

I keep reminding myself that I can’t fall for someone when we don’t have a future. But telling myself this lie and believing it are two different things.

When Brady shows up on a Harley, looking like an avenging angel—six feet, three inches of chiseled muscle, eyes the color of wild sage, and sun-kissed skin emblazoned with tattoos—I’m not sure if I should fall at his feet or run like hell. Because if I tell him what happened the night his family died, he might hate me. 

What I don’t count on are the nights we spend together trying to forget the heartache that brought us here. I promise him it won’t mean anything, that I won’t fall in love.

I shouldn’t make promises I can’t keep.

Shameless is an adult contemporary romance/spinoff featuring a character from The Dearest Series, but it can be read as a complete standalone.

My Review (ARC provided)

4.5 stars

I distinctly remember Brady from Finding Dandelion and remember how delicious he sounded. I'm a sucker for tattoos and the hero that has that bad boy quality but is mostly the exterior, Yum. I have read all of Lex Martin’s books and loved every single one of them.

This book was a little bittersweet in the way Brady and Katherine met. At times I was so very sad but the two of them gave a little light to the subject and what had happened.

After Brady's brother and sister-in-law have a terrible accident, he is left to deal with the aftermath, temporarily moving from his fast paced life in Boston to their farm in Texas to help out. At this farm is where he meets Katherine.

"Big hazel eyes stare back from behind her glasses, which she pushes up her pert little nose. Did I mention she's cute?"

After a few misunderstanding Brady finally realizes Katherine is there to help. She has lived there and helps in every way possible from farming to cooking, advertising and babysitting. There is a mutual attraction there but they are also grieving while trying to help support the other.

"I realize Kat's rested her head on my shoulder. And for a quiet moment, we share the loss. Together."

As they continue to work together and Kat teaches Brady how things are done they slowly become closer and closer until they finally give into their feelings, even if it’s just for a short time.

"Coming here to Mel's farm has always been about figuring out what I want in life. Brady is one of those things, even if it's just short term."

What's so great about this is that Brady didn't realize it but he really needed to figure out what he wanted too. He thought he had it all figured out until he met Katherine.

I love Brady and Kat’s relationship and how Katherine was able to really come out of herself and be a spunky person, they both brought out the best in each other and their chemistry was HOT HOT HOT. They were both such likable characters too. I love how Brady was portrayed (as I said earlier), not too alpha, not to cocky but just the right about to make the perfect guy.

I recommend this book as well as all of Lex's others.

HEA? (1)<<<click here if you want to know.

Purchase Links

Last chance to get your copy for only 99c!!!


Also Available

The Dearest Series Boxed Set is FREE on KU for a limited time. Get all three Dearest Series books, including Dearest Clementine, Finding Dandelion and Kissing Madeline, as well as Dearest Series bonus scenes and the first chapter of Shameless.

Purchase Links


Author Bio

Lex writes adult novels, the sexy kind with lotsa angst, a whole lotta kissing, and the hot happily ever afters. When she's not writing, she lives a parallel life as an English teacher. She loves printing black and white photos, listening to music on vinyl, and getting lost in a great book. Bitten by wanderlust, she's lived all over the country but currently resides in the City of Angels with her husband and twin daughters.

Author Links

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ride Hard by: Laura Kaye...Read an excerpt and review here!!

Ride Hard - Tour banner1    

Laura Kaye has something hot and fun and new to share with you today – a scene from her upcoming book, Ride Hard, the first in her Raven Riders Motorcycle Club series about a new kind of MC with a protective mission. You might’ve first met the Ravens in the Hard Ink world, but this series stands on its own and is even sexier, edgier, and grittier! So read on for a taste and grab your copy of the first book in this sexy new series!

    RIDE HARD - cover

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Get a FREE bonus story from Laura’s Hearts in Darkness world for buying RIDE HARD before April 30!

About Ride Hard (Raven Riders #1):
Brotherhood. Club. Family.
They live and ride by their own rules.
These are the Raven Riders…
Raven Riders Motorcycle Club President Dare Kenyon rides hard and values loyalty above all else. He’ll do anything to protect the brotherhood of bikers—the only family he’s got—as well as those who can’t defend themselves. So when mistrustful Haven Randall lands on the club’s doorstep scared that she’s being hunted, Dare takes her in, swears to keep her safe, and pushes to learn the secrets overshadowing her pretty smile.
Haven fled from years of abuse at the hands of her criminal father and is suspicious of any man’s promises, including those of the darkly sexy and overwhelmingly intense Ravens’ leader. But as the powerful attraction between them flares to life, Dare pushes her boundaries and tempts her to want things she never thought she could.
The past never dies without a fight, but Dare Kenyon’s never backed down before…

Lindsey's Five star review (ARC provided)

We all have authors that we love, and then we have authors who can do no wrong, that you will read anything that they write. Laura Kaye is one of those authors for me. I had the pleasure of meeting Laura for the first time bak in 2013 at a signing, right before Hard as It Gets was released. Hard as It Gets was my first real taste of Laura's writing. From the instant I started that book I have yet to be disappointed.

I found Ride Hard to be the perfect combination of well crafted characters and a beautiful story with the right mix of humor and deep rooted issues that demand to be dealt with.Dare and Haven may be my favorite characters to date, written by Laura. Both of these characters have a deeply painful history that binds them together. I found the book to be fast moving and beautifully crafted to give you all the feels you can handle. I loved the idea of the booking being about a MC. I have yet to dive into reading the many of the MC romances out there, and this was a great introduction for me. 

I loved how old friends are back to make an appearance and new characters are woven throughout to keep me wondering who Laura will choose to write about next. I am continually impressed with the depth Laura is able to give her characters. I instantly want to be involved in their world and find it difficult to put the book down. 

When I finished this book, I found myself feeling much of the same as I did when I finished a Hard Ink book. Disappointed the book had to end, and willing to hand over my first born for the next book in the series. This is a unique and well crafted story I would be willing to recommend to anyone! 

Raven Riders - Series banner

Don't forget you can grab HARD AS STEEL, a Hard Ink/Raven Riders Crossover Novella out now and pre-order RIDE ROUGH, book 2 in the Raven Riders Series (out April 25, 2017)!

    Laura Kaye - author picAbout Laura Kaye: Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense, including the Hard Ink and upcoming Raven Riders series. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.      

Website | Facebook |Twitter | Newsletter Sign Up | RIDE HARD on Goodreads

Check out all the stops on Laura Kaye’s RIDE HARD – Review & Excerpt Tour!
April 18th
Love Drug Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
The Book Hammock – Review & Excerpt
mignon mykel : reviews – Review & Excerpt
Take Me Away To A Great Read – Review & Excerpt
Ashleyz Wonderland – Excerpt
April 19th
PopKitty Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Hike2Forty and beyond – Review & Excerpt
Coffee-Books-Life Blog – Review & Excerpt
Curled up and cozy – Review & Excerpt
The BookWhisperer – Review
This Wacky Momma reads – Review & Excerpt
Wickedcoolflight – Review & Excerpt
April 20th
Books According to Abby – Review & Excerpt
JordansBookReviews – Excerpt
The Reading Cafe – Review & Excerpt
Krista's Dust Jacket – Review & Excerpt
A Fortress of books – Excerpt
Majorly Delicious – Review & Excerpt
April 21st
The Bookish & The Romantic – Review & Excerpt
Lit. 4 Ladies – Review
Melody May – Review & Excerpt
Reading in Pajamas – Review & Excerpt
Always YA at Heart – Review & Excerpt
The Book Boyfriend Addict – Review & Excerpt
Vera is Reading – Excerpt
Write for Your Life – Review & Excerpt
April 22nd
After Dark Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt
Melena`s Reviews – Review
Kelsey's Corner Time – Review & Excerpt
WickedGoodReads – Review
Crazii Bitches Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
The Sassy Bookster – Review & Excerpt
April 23rd
Eden Ashe – Review & Excerpt
Kris & Vik Book Therapy Cafe – Review & Excerpt
Liz's Reading Life – Excerpt
From the TBR Pile – Review
EskieMama Reads – Excerpt
Cocktails and Books – Review & Excerpt
TLBC's Book Blog – Excerpt
Wicked Babes Blog Reviews – Review & Excerpt
April 24th
Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous – Review & Excerpt
Evermore Books – Excerpt
Extreme Bookaholics – Excerpt
Bambi Unbridled – Review & Excerpt
Crazy Chaotic Book Babes – Review & Excerpt
Obsessed by Books – Review
April 25th
Carol Kittie Reviews – Review & Excerpt
About That Story – Excerpt
Book Reader Chronicles – Review & Excerpt
April 26th
April 27th
Reading Is My Bliss – Review & Excerpt
Ashley Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Bookalicious book babes – Review & Excerpt
Talking Books Blog – Review
My Girlfriends Couch – Review & Excerpt
True Story Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Reviews by Tammy and Kim – Review & Excerpt
April 28th
April 29th
Hot Guys in Books – Review & Excerpt
A Hopeless Romantic's Booklandia – Review & Excerpt
Book Nook Nuts – Review & Excerpt
KatyaRath – Review & Excerpt
Liezel's Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
NC 2 DC – Review & Excerpt
April 30th
A Brit and a Yank – Excerpt
She Hearts Books – Review
Talk Books to Me – Review
Books Need TLC – Review
Read-Love-Blog – Review
Deluged with Books Cafe – Review & Excerpt
Nose Stuck in a Book – Review & Excerpt
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