The Left Side Of Perfect – Release Day – August 30
For better or for worse,'til death do us part . . .
The better captured me; she's who stole my heart.
And made me realize I couldn’t live without this woman.
The worse of her took my breath away--kicked me when I was down and twisted me into a million knots.
When I first met her, I thought she was someone I would never see again.
The second time I ran into her, it was a random coincidence.
The third?
I didn’t know it at the time, but she was the girl I was going to marry.
But life isn’t always perfect. You have to take the better and the worse--even if it means giving her up, having her slip between your fingers, and letting her walk away.
I’m getting married.
This is forever, 'til death do us part.
The Right Side Of Forever – Release Day August 31
In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish . . .
It sounds so simple, to love someone unconditionally.
To give them your heart.
So why is she slowly eating away at my soul with every unanswered phone call, every unread text, and every door left unopened?
She said yes, and yet, in order for her to be with me . . . I need to let her go.

My Review (ARC provided)
Five perfect stars!
This duet was genuinely perfect, in my opinion. It's one of my favorite reads this year. Now I have to admit going into these books I was nervous. I loved Colby so much and invested so much into him I was afraid of what his story would bring. Well let me tell you it was one hell of a ride. It had me cussing while reading the prologue, laughing and fanning myself all within the first few chapters.
I was annoyed with heroine #1 at first for seducing him, I thought it was in poor taste, but...after diving into this more I couldn't be, I understood and fell in love with her character.
Heroine #2 was also such a great character, and I didn't know who I wanted Colby with. As this duet went on and I got to know both these women it became evident to me who Colby belonged with.
Let's talk about chemistry. You know how in some books the characters are supposed to have chemistry, but you don't feel it? Well, I thought that at first, but then I realized, ding ding ding nope that's how Meghan brilliantly wrote it. She didn't want you to feel it.
She also didn't handle anything stereotypically, we got angst but not in a catty let's make all the girls hate each other way. I loved that!!
I just don't know what else to say without giving anything away, but Meghan took on many topics in this book and ran. Body image issues, family troubles, and abuse, being content instead of truly happy. So much of this, we see in real life, and it really punched me in the gut.
"Love can be a stepping-stone, a path to the person you're truly supposed to be with."
"I know in the depths of my soul, that the journey was worth traveling. The journey made this perfect."
I couldn't be happier with the conclusion of Colby's story!