My rating: 5 of 5 stars
My Review (ARC provided)
Five Stars!
I don't know what to do with myself now! I pick up my Kindle to start a new book and don't even want to. These characters are dominating my mind. I can't believe I have to wait until March to get the next book. I couldn't put this book down. I read it in a day. Prior to reading Salt Kiss, I read Salt In the Wound, which I'm glad I did. The prequel (although you don't have to read it) is amazing but gives you more insight into the situation.
Salt Kiss is told entirely from Tristan's (male protagonist) POV. Tristan was a war hero in the army and is hired by Mark, his uncle-in-law, to be his bodyguard. Mark is a very complex character; he is pretty evil, but every so often, you get a little softness. Mark runs a "sex club" and is ex-CIA; his job and activities are questionable, pair that with his money, and he needs to be protected.
I don't want to get into the story too much, but Tristan becomes obsessed with Mark and his activities, wanting to be a part of it.
Tristan is the opposite of Mark; he is innocent and sweet, and they have one thing in common: their demons. They seem to connect somehow because of that. Mark cannot love, but Tristan falls so easily.
"I remind myself that I survived a war. Four times. I can survive Mark Trevana."
Once again, Sierra's writing blew me away. She has a way with words, and her "smut" is so beautifully done, that you don't even realize how dirty it is until you are scorching. I can not wait to get more of this series.
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