Tuesday, March 21, 2017

An Act of Courage by: K.C. Lynn is out now! Review, excerpt and giveaway!!

Title: An Act of Courage (Acts of Honor Series - Book 4)
Author: KC Lynn
Release Date: March 20, 2017
TBR Link: Goodreads

Purchase Links

ibooks: pending
B&N: Pending
Kobo: Pending


She’s the light from his past.

He’s the one her heart has always longed for. 

Trained by the best, Christopher Walker has fought hard for his country and even harder to forget the only girl he’s ever loved. He spent countless nights submerged in death and destruction only to find himself clinging to the memories of her when the darkness crept in. 

When her life is threatened, Christopher will stop at nothing to protect her. Even if it means having to confront his past.

Alissa Malone never thought she would find herself face-to-face again with the only boy she’s ever loved. But she soon realizes Christopher is not the same man he once was. 

His touch is still electrifying—his voice still earth shattering. But there’s a darkness about him that wasn’t there before. A pain he harbors so deep that she can feel it all the way to her soul. 

One fateful moment destroyed his very existence, and only one person will be able to make him realize that what he considers an act of dishonor was truly an act of courage.


This is Book Four in the Acts Of Honor series, the spin-off series to Men Of Honor. It is not necessary to read all of the other books in the series. However, I do highly recommend that you at least read Resisting Temptation, the third book in the Men of Honor series, since this is where these Characters story began.


One minute I’m drumming to a beat I could never play on my own then the next I’m flipped around to face him, his fingers digging into my hips possessively. I gasp, my breath racing as I stare back at him.

Something passes between us.

A decision.

A choice.

No more fighting this.

“Fuck complicated.” His earlier words fall past his lips then our mouths become one.

The connection slams into me, sending my heart reeling. Our tongues duel in a beautiful battle, the sound of our passion filling the air as our past ignites.

A growl erupts from him, vibrating against my lips. “You taste as good as I remember.”

I want to tell him the same thing but can’t. All I can think about is his mouth never leaving mine, not even for a second, or it might kill me.

At this moment, I’m not even sure how I survived so long without it—without him.

He slides the stool closer to the drum set before his hand moves between us and presses on my chest. I seize the opportunity to suck in air and let him guide me to my back, my shoulders resting against the musical cylinders.

His hands move to mine and it’s then I realize I still have the drumsticks gripped tightly in my fists. With a sexy smirk, he pries them both from me, throwing one on the floor but keeps hold of the other.

His dark eyes never sever from mine as he unbuttons the shirt I’m wearing, exposing me to his stare. The cool air whispers over my heated flesh, my nipples straining for his touch.

                “So fucking pretty.” The wild lust in his eyes triggers an intense desire in me.

                 I bite my lip to keep from moaning but all silent caution is thrown out the window the moment he takes the stick and brushes the tip of it over one aching bud.

                Another gasp parts my lips, a fiery whimper purging from me at the cool, hard feel. My back arches, the small touch igniting an inferno in my body.

                “Remember the things I used to do to your body, Alissa? How wet you would get when you’d hear me sing?” he murmurs, dragging the smooth wood down my tummy. “You’d beg me to take your ache away. Remember?”

                “Yes. Do you?” I ask. I’m dying to know. Has he thought of me as much as I have him?

                “Yeah, baby. There isn’t a moment of our time together that I’ve ever forgotten.”

                His admission has my throat burning and heart aching. Aching at the loss of him, of what we could have had.

                What we did have.

                “The good,” he whispers. “The bad.” He slips the stick in my panties. “And the fucking beautiful.”

                “Oh, god, Christopher.” His name spills past my lips on a cry of pleasure as he glides the stick through my wet flesh, slowly working it against my swollen clit.

                He plays my body like he plays every instrument. With skilled perfection and grace. Keeping his momentum, he leans down just enough to suck a hard nipple into his mouth. His teeth graze it with a pressure that borders on a beautiful pain and it’s enough to send me over the edge.

                Blissful cries rip from my throat as I’m swept up into an intense storm of pleasure.

 Lindsey's review: (ARC provided)
5 stars!

WOW! I discovered K.C. Lynn when I asked for a book recommendation because I was traveling over Christmas. From the start, I couldn’t put her books down. 

I first fell in love with Christopher in Resisting Temptation. He was broken but strong, sweet and kind with is sister and one of those kids determined to be better than where he came from. Alissa, while I could tell she was special from the short amount of time she was in Resisting Temptation, I loved getting to know her more in An Act of Courage. She was strong, determined and spunky and able to look beyond what everyone else sees to see the true beauty that lies beneath all the rough edges. 

Be prepared, their story will take you on one heck of an emotional roller coaster, but its worth every single minute. The chemistry between Christopher and Alissa is passionate and beautiful, and draws you into the story. 

What I find so amazing about K.C. Lynn’s books, is that it never feels like I am reading a repeat of a previous book. It touched my heart that she would write a story about having to deal with PTSD and the strength it takes to ask for the help you need to start to heal.

Some of my favorite moments in this book where the moments Christopher had with Ruthie. I loved getting a taste of who Ruthie is becoming and how strong their brother and sister bond still is. 

If you have not read K.C. Lynn, I highly recommend not only An Act of Courage but all of her books. They suck you in, leave you wanting more from each and every couple she has written about, and desperate for the next story. 

This book is truly amazing and worth every tear you will shread and make your heart feel lighter as every obstacle is conquered.

Purchase Links

ibooks: pending
B&N: Pending
Kobo: Pending


About the Author

K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She married her high school sweetheart and they have four amazing children: two lovely girls and a set of handsome twin boys. It was her love for romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. When she is not in her writing cave, pounding out new characters and stories, she can be found living between the pages of a book, meeting new tattooed, hot alpha males with very big…Hearts.

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Monday, March 20, 2017

HERO HAIR is out! Holy Crap win a $100 Amazon card!! 5 star review...

Want to meet a “Real Seal?”

Hero Hair is NOW LIVE & Free on Kindle Unlimited!
**99cents for a limited time**

Everyone knows there is no “I” in team, but to Macs Newstead--orgasm-gifting, muscle-filled Navy SEAL hero--there are more important words than team. Words like victory and vanity and selfishness. People say those words like they are a bad thing, but to Macs, they’re simply tools in his highly effective arsenal. When a man’s entire existence revolves around the necessity to end lives, silly, mundane things like second dates or monogamy seem worthy sacrifices.

Downward facing dog or doggy-style--it’s all the same to Teala Smart, a whip-smart yoga instructor. She owns her studio like she owns her life--with focus, positive energy, and pure devotion. That devotion, however, does not trickle into her love life (or more accurately, her lust life.) Relationships are a roadblock to her success. They get in the way and tangle up emotions more than the lotus pose tangles up limbs. Men are best kept just for a night and then released into the wild before feelings get too messy.

HERO HAIR, the second novel of International Bestselling Author Rachel Robinson’s THE REAL SEAL SERIES, is the account of an life-altering journey detailing the awakening of two hollow hearts, both set on taking their own pleasures without any emotional attachment. The ruthless SEAL finally meets an enemy he can’t defeat, and both Macs and Teala find, against their wishes, and despite atrocious circumstances, a chemistry so explosive it leaves nothing but deconstructing love in its wake.

My Review: (ARC provided)
5 stars!!

It’s always so hard for me to come up with words to let a reader know just how much I loved and adored a book. It’s hard to do a book justice when the words are all there in the book and you just need to read it.

Most of you know I am a huge fan of Rachel’s, she writes everything I want in a book, humor, angst, hot sex, likable characters and of course romance. Well her latest book Hero Hair does not disappoint, we get Rachel at her best, once again.

Teala (h) is a great character! I love flawed heroines that aren’t your typical sweet virgins. She is strong on the outside but has some emotional issues she herself isn’t fully aware of.  Macs is kind of a cocky a**hole but one you can’t help but love and as the book goes on he develops into this character that you will always remember. Macs is who he is and doesn’t have a problem with it. 

“He doesn’t just walk like a predator. He is the god**n king of those motherf*ckers.”
I love how honest he is about it. In fact I love both Macs and Teala’s honesty from the get go (at least with each other). J Both are very sexually charged, they know what they want and aren’t afraid to say it, they were both up front with each other and knew what they were getting into. 

“Four nights and then sex?”

“Maybe three. I have to confirm with them. They had some weird timetable I’m not familiar with.”

The chemistry between the H and h was sizzling right off the pages. I love when I can feel that when I’m reading.

“The physical connection between us is palpable. It breaths on its own. It has a life force neither of us can deny.”

When I first started reading this book it was almost like a RomCom, (which happens to be one of my favorite genres) and then BAM I was shocked at what took place after, but let’s just say we get to really see some deep seeded issues Teala has been hiding away, and Rachel writes it so well. I felt for Teala and I understood her pain but I also wanted to strangle her. We also really see Macs flaws too and his insecurities in handling it. He's this big strong character that can handle just about anything that life throws at him until this…which also had me wanted to reach into the book and shake him. This is when the book took me on a roller-coaster of emotions, it was so well done.

I’m so excited to get another “Real Seal” novel! Bravo Rachel for another awesome read!!

I highly recommend!


“Still want to have our third date?” he asks, pulling his t-shirt up to expose his abs. He bites the dark, cotton fabric, like men in fashion magazines do. With his abs flexed he poses so casual, so fucking drool-worthy, so over-the-top, and he gets away with it. He tosses the shirt onto the counter, with his tongue caught between his teeth.

I blow out a breath. It’s as hot as a Channing Tatum movie. More so, because I can actually touch this body–can do whatever I want with this body. “How am I supposed to say anything but yes when you don’t play fair? You’re over there with your goddamn abs and dimples and precision stripping skills.” I motion to his body.

“Babe, you played dirty first. Your mouth is like a fucking dirty poker game. One you’ll win every single time.”

I wrinkle my forehead. “Thanks I guess. Third date?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.

“Let’s go to my bedroom,” he says.


About the Author

Rachel grew up in a small, quiet town full of loud talkers. Her words were always only loud on paper. She has been writing stories and creating characters for as long as she can remember. After living on the west coast for many years she recently moved to Virginia Beach, VA.

 Stalk Rachel here:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads